viernes, 25 de junio de 2010

Blepharoplasty - Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery

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Eyelids Function

Eyelids play an important role in the protection of the eyes and distribution of tears. Nevertheless factors like aging, sun expossure, type of diet, innadecuate skin care or family traits can contribute to the appearance of crease, wrinkles, skinfolds and excessive accumulation of skin in the upper and lower eyelids. All these changes occur because the skin elasticity increases, muscles and orbital connective tissue become weaker and orbital fat prolapses.

When all these changes take place, the eyes and face acquire a "tired" or aging appearance. The patient also presents a decrease in visual field, excessive tearing and difficulties when wearing glasses because of the lower eyelid abnormalities.

How It is Treated.

The most effective way of correcting all these eyelid changes is a surgical procedure called Blepharoplasty, which is an ambulatory surgery and usually done under local anesthesia and intravenous sedation.
The procedure's main objective is to reduce excessive skin and tissue laxity of the eyelids and this includes skin, muscle and orbital fat repair without affecting the eye function nor other structures (lacrimale glands, lacrimal ducts, etc)

How is the procedure done?

The incision is done in the natural eyelid crease to hide the scar after the patient is completely recovered. If eyebrows ptosis exists another special procedure is also done.
The scar is initially pigmented but within days it minimizes until it turns almost invisible. Its common that after the surgery the patient present eyelid inflammation and ecchymosis, but they are normal findings and they dissapear almost completely after the first week.


Usually we recommend the patient absolute rest with the head raised after the surgery, and the use of cold compresses for several days to reduce the inflammation.
The area around the eyes must be healed and kept clean and the use of eyedrops is also recommended. When fine sutures are used, they may be either reabsorbed or removed after one week.
The final results depend of many factors like the extension of the area to be reconstructed, skin structure and age. Normally the patient notices the improvement of his appearance after the first week and can resume his daily activities in a short time.
Since this surgery can affect vision, an ophthalmologist trained in oculoplastic (ocular plastic surgery) should be the person who performs this procedure. This professional always looks forwards not only to improve the appearance but to maintain or recover the adequate function of the eyelids.

Carriazo Ophthalmology Center counts with all these new technology devices for the diagnosis and surgical treatment of ocular conditions.

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